Health & Safety during Remediation and Restoration
When there is an emergency flooding incident at your house or commercial property, the first step is to phone a flood damage specialist to commence the water extraction immediately. Unfortunately from time to time the water damage can go unnoticed for hours resulting in extensive damage to internal structures and contamination if the source of the water is from a sewage pipe or an overflowing drain. When this happens there is usually large restoration works that need to take place in order to restore your property to pre-loss condition. In order to complete the work professionally and in a safe manner there are safe work practices that all technicians must follow to ensure the safety of themselves and those working within the property. Below is a list of basic work safe practices that allow water damage technicians to complete remediation and restoration to a high standard without compromising the health and safety of themselves and others.
Safe Work Practices in Contaminated Properties
- No food or drink is consumed in any contaminated area or designated work area
- All protective gear is removed and hands are washed before eating, drinking, smoking, use of the bathroom, res periods and at the end of the day
- Contaminated protective clothing is disposed of before exiting the contaminated area
- Any contaminated equipment and protective clothing is not moved from the contaminated area
- Specific gloves are worn in designated work areas that are made of latex and are chemical-resistant
- Any first aid issues including cuts and abrasions are dealt with promptly to prevent any contamination, especially in any sewerage contaminated areas

Additional Health & Safety Precautions in Water Contaminated Properties
In addition to the standard health and safety procedures many technicians and on-site specialists will ensure that they reduce their risk of coming into contact with infectious disease. Restorers and remediators may consider visiting their primary health care physician in order to obtain immunisations and information on other available immunisations such as tetanus/diphtheria boosters.