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Managing Mould: The Professional Guide

Call Kleen-Tech on 1300 305 030 for Mould cleaning and sampling in Melbourne

Mould is a type of fungi that thrives in damp, dark environments with plenty of humidity and low ventilation. Mould can grow anywhere in your property including the basement, bathroom walls, tiber floors, damp objects and areas in the property with low ventilation. Mould poses a serious health hazard if not treated or removed given its ability to reproduce by airborne spores. These airborne spores are harmful to humans and animals and can cause serious adverse health outcomes including respiratory issues. So what causes mould and what should you do to prevent it?

What Causes Mould?

In essence any source of moisture within your property will allow mould to grow. The best way to prevent its growth is to reduce water and damp areas in your property and allow plenty of cold air ventilation to enclosed areas such as basements. Common causes of moisture in houses, commercial buildings, shops and offices include:

  • Rising damp: water moisture rising from the ground below the property into the bricks and walls
  • Moisture in the sub-flooring: any spills, floods or water standing on carpets and timber flooring will infiltrate the sub-flooring and underlay, causing a damp environment for mould to grow
  • Blocked gutters causing water to move towards the structures of your house
  • Bathrooms with no ventilation
  • Kitchens with no ventilation
  • Seeping rainwater from a leak in the roof
  • Leaking pipes

Managing Mould

The best way to manage mould in the long run is to ensure high risk areas such as kitchens, bathrooms and basements have plenty of ventilation. In areas such as the basement or attic you can conduct a general check at least once every 6 months to see if there are visible signs of mould on the structures or flooring. If you suspect there is mould growing in your property we recommend phoning a mould remediation specialist who are qualified to safely remove mould and sample the areas to see other affected areas. If large structures in your home have mould, such as the carpets, walls, ceilings and timber flooring a full remediation will need to be conducted by a certified technician. They will safely remove the mould, clean the affected areas and replace and structures, flooring and carpet that have been contaminated to ensure your safety.

Call Kleen-Tech on 1300 305 030 for Mould cleaning and sampling in Melbourne